
Friday 28 September 2012

La Torta Pasqualina con le bietole per MTC

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Questo mese la Vitto ospita L'MTC , in qualità di vincitrice dell' MTC di luglio 2012.

Io e la mamma di mio marito oggi abbiamo fatto la torta Pasqualina insieme per la prima volta. E ci siamo divertite molto. Due donne in cucina, quando c'è sintonia, lavorano bene, velocemente, anticipano l'una i bisogni dell'altra e in un battibaleno il piatto è pronto. Solo un attimo di sconcerto quando non trovavamo le cannucce (con il gomito come consiglia la Vitto) ma poi sono saltate fuori. Fiuuuuuu. :))) e non solo in senso figurato.

collage pasqualina_1

Ovviamente quando mia suocera mi ha visto arrivare a casa sua con la mia spianatoia lì per lì è rimasta interdetta ... lei ce l'ha la tavola per impastare!!!  Ma chiarito che la mia l'avevo portata per usarla come ripiano per le foto, la serenità ha continuato a regnare in cucina :)) D'altronde con tutti i raviêu (trad. ravioli), le torte pasqualine a gogo, mandilli de sea (trad. fazzoletti di seta o lasagnette) e pizze ripiene che vengono preparate, chi poteva dubitare?

Gli accordi li avevamo presi già da prima, io arrivavo, di corsa, con la maggior parte degli ingredienti maggiorana inclusa!, perchè mia suocera alle sue piante aveva chiesto già troppo , assemblavamo il tutto con tanto di servizio fotografico e poi io tornavo a casa, seeempre di corsa, con la teglia da infornare e  fotografare prima del buio  ; )

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Che dire...intanto, abbiamo seguito la ricetta, pesando ad occhio gli ingredienti, eh,eh! C'è chi può! (Non io, si intende) E l'impasto è venuto perfetto. Come ha detto la Vitto , niente manitoba, perchè 100 anni fa non c'era. Un solo cambiamento, niente sale, perché  mia suocera non lo mette. Dice che la pasta rimane più croccante senza. Sarà perché il sale assorbe l'umidità, giusto? E qui si potrebbe già iniziare a disquisire. Dariooooo dove sei? Confermi? Smentisci?

Ci siamo date il cambio nella lavorazione dell'impasto, intanto le bietole ormai cotte sono state scolate ben bene, poi tritate sul tagliere con la mezza luna, unite al trito e passate in padella. C'era un pezzettino di dado che spuntava lì sotto al trito, ma non lo dite a nessuno. Io non l'avrei messo...perché ho abolito il dado da anni. Ah, dimenticavo noi a Roma, niente prescinseua. Stracchino. Ma ho raccontato a mia suocera che la Vitto consiglia lo yogurt greco con la ricotta ed abbiamo deciso che la prossima volta facciamo una degustazione di torte Pasqualine e decidiamo quale ci piace di più.

Pennello per ungere la pasta? Naaaaaa. Probabilmente noi con l'olio, quindi, abbiamo abbondato, ma diteci voi. Le foto son proprio qui sotto.

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La chicca?
Il mattarello. Non è un mattarello. Proviene dal negozio di  Odone che era in Via Luccoli, dove teneva la contablità la nonna Iside, la nonna paterna di una nostra cugina.  Serviva per arrotolarvi la seta. Troppo forte, no? E devo dire che è perfetto per stendere un impasto lasciandolo leggermente ruvido.

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Abbiamo deciso per una sfoglia sotto un po' più spessa e quattro sopra che secondo me, vedendo la foto della Pasqualina della Vitto, dovevano essere più sottili. E come avete visto il ripieno non è a strati nella famiglia di mia suocera. Quindi mi incuriosisce molto la versione sempre della Vitto a strati. Nonché tutte le notizie di ripieni "alternativi", in particolare con la zucca. Vittoria ti contatterò per saperne di più.

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Per la fetta tagliata dovete attendere domani. Stasera dovevamo finire di mangiare l'Empanada Gallega di ieri (vedi post precedente) e la Pasqualina si doveva raffreddare e soprattutto insaporire. Verrà addentata  domani.

Complimenti a tutti, dopo aver postato ho dato una prima sbirciata e ci sono delle idee strepitose.

Ecco che cosa ci ha scrittoVittoria:

"Tutti possono cimentarsi in questa prova, il mattarello già lo abbiamo usato, la tecnica di tirare la sfoglia con i pugni infarinati si impara in fretta. Il segreto sta nel far riposare la pasta e nel non farla troppo dura.
La manitoba non è indispensabile (100 anni fa non c’era di sicuro) ma aiuta un po’ a evitare i buchi nella pasta quando si tira. Quindi vi aspetto a pugni infarinati e fantasia scatenata.

Piatto apparentemente semplicissimo nella povertà degli ingredienti, diventa una poesia di sapori e profumi che si sprigionano al taglio e ad ogni morso. Perfetta alternanza di consistenze (croccante, morbido, pastoso) e di colori (bianco, verde, giallo). Ho verificato sul campo una volta di più che non si può smettere di mangiarla. Vi prego solo di farla raffreddare perché se cercate di tagliarla e gustarla appena uscita dal forno resterete delusi: la pasta si sfalda, il ripieno troppo caldo non esprime sapori, ma bruciori. Aspettate almeno che sia tiepida! 

La Pasqualina, rigorosamente di bietole (a Pasqua i carciofi non ci sono o sono cari, i genovesi…maiiiii) è la torta salata ligure più famosa, ma le varianti sono moltissime, praticamente con ogni verdura ed erba disponibile 
Io vi propongo 2 versioni.

La prima è la Pasqualina più antica dove le bietole, il formaggio, le uova, non sono mescolati insieme, ma assemblati accostati, si mescoleranno solo in bocca regalandovi una gran differenza di sensazioni. Il formaggio utilizzato è la Prescinseua, la quagliata genovese, introvabile altrove, si può provare a sostituirla con un misto di ricotta e yogurt greco..oppure dovrò aprire uno spaccio di prescinseua.

La seconda è detta torta cappuccina; bietole e ricotta sono mischiate in un composto comprendente anche uova. Il sapore è diverso ma ugualmente squisito.
Poi ci sarebbe la versione “ricca” ai carciofi o un misto di bietole e carciofi, poi cipolle, zucca, zucchine o zucchine trombetta, patate, funghi, ecc…. ma noi ci fermiamo alle prime due.

Per le note storiche vi rimando a un bellissimo post della Dani pubblicato ad aprile su Menuturistico

La Milia era la tata di mio papà che avrebbe 84 anni, quindi la ricetta ne ha 100 almeno almeno. Mio padre ne parlava con grande affetto e rispetto. Lei non sapeva leggere e scrivere quindi la ricetta è stata trascritta da mia nonna sul suo quaderno nero e a me è arrivata con una copia (sempre scritta a mano) che una zia aveva fatto per ogni sorella o fratello in modo che ognuno avesse la sua.

Pasta: Impastare 300 gr di farina “0” (meglio manitoba regge meglio quando si tira sottile) con sale, 30 gr di olio, ½ bicchiere di vino bianco secco e circa ½ bicchiere di acqua bastante per una pasta morbida (circa 150 gr di liquidi), ma non appiccicosa. Dividere in 5 palline e fare riposare coperta almeno 1 ora, meglio 2.

Pulite 1,2 kg di bietole, togliendo quasi tutta la parte del gambo, tagliatele a striscette e saltatele in padella con olio e.v.o. maggiorana e cipolla tritata. Deve asciugarsi bene l’umidità. Lasciare raffreddare. 
In una ciotola lavorate 250 gr di “prescinseua” genovese con 50 gr circa di parmigiano grattugiato, un pizzicone di maggiorana, sale e pepe. 
Stendete una pallina in una sfoglia sottile e foderate il fondo e le pareti di una teglia tonda (diametro 22-24) unta d’olio facendola un poco debordare (ungete anche il bordo della teglia altrimenti la pasta si strapperà quando dovrete arrotolarla) Ungete la pasta di olio con il pennello, stendete la seconda sfoglia. Versate dentro le bietole, sopra il composto di formaggio. 

Poi con il dorso di un cucchiaio fate 3 o 4 incavi a distanza regolare e in ognuno rompete un uovo; salate e pepate e versate un filino d’olio su ognuno. Le altre 3 sfoglie devono essere tirate sottilissime e non devono assolutamente avere buchi; io le tiro prima con il matterello e poi mi aiuto allargando la sfoglia con i pugni infarinati e ruotandola (non è facile farlo senza bucare la sfoglia).

Tirare la prima delle tre sfoglie e coprire il ripieno facendo debordare la sfoglia di lato. Ungere bene la superficie con un pennello o con le dita delicatamente (sotto ci sono le uova intere!!!). Appoggiare la seconda sfoglia, ungere bene, appoggiare al bordo una cannuccia per soffiare aria fra uno strato e l’altro di pasta del coperchio, appoggiare l’ultima sfoglia e ungete anche questa molto bene. A questo punto arrotolare il bordo a cordoncino (se è troppo tagliarne una parte con le forbici). 
Se usate una cannuccia con il gomito non ci sarà rischio che qualche micro goccia di saliva arrivi alla torta, terrore di molti!!! Una volta si usava un maccherone lungo!
Quando è ben gonfia come un palloncino togliete rapidissime la cannuccia e sigillate l’apertura.
Infornare a 180° per 40-50 minuti o fino a doratura della pasta.
Appena tolta dal forno spennellate delicatissimamente di olio. Raffreddandosi la pasta si ammorbidirà e, se l’avrete fatta abbastanza sottile, scenderà come un velo!

Stesse dosi per la pasta, la verdura e il formaggio (ricotta o prescinseua); per questa ho usato ricotta.
Una volta cotte le bietole, preparate l’impasto di ricotta, parmigiano, pepe, sale, maggiorana e aggiungete anche 2 uova battute. Tritate grossolanamente a coltello le bietole quando sono fredde e aggiungetele ai formaggi.

Ungete la teglia, tirate e sovrapponete le prime 2 sfoglie, versate il ripieno. Poi procedete come per l’altra torta: fate le fossette, sgusciate le uova, tirate le altre 3 sfoglie ungendo fra una e l’altra, chiudete il bordo a cordoncino, gonfiate la sfoglia a cupola, infornate."

Thursday 27 September 2012

The Daring Bakers' September, 2012 Challenge: Empanada Gallega

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This was a really delicious "pizza imbottita" (stuffed pizza) as we would call it in Italy.  The filling I chose from the various recipes given was very quick to make and really tasty. I chose the first dough recipe and the tuna filling. The whole family really enjoyed it. They asked me to make it again and I am planning to make it for a birthday party coming up at work. :))
Just one or two things...for the amount of filling suggested, you can make less dough. Maybe a cup less. I only used 25 g of yeast - as in Italy yeast cubes come in that weight - and that was sufficient. So just take away one cup of flour  and proportionally lower the other ingredients. I used my Ken to do the work and I added about 2 tablespoons of lard as well as the tiny amount of olive oil suggested in the recipe. Make sure the lard is added in small amounts at the time once the dough is almost ready, as it will make the textute of the baked product better.

Patri of the blog, Asi Son Los Cosas, was our September 2012 Daring Bakers’ hostess and she decided to tempt us with one of her family’s favorite recipes for Empanadas! We were given two dough recipes to choose from and encouraged to fill our Empanadas as creatively as we wished!

And here is what she wrote for us:

Hi! My name is Patri from Asi Son Las Cosas, a DBer since 2009 (gee, how time flies!). When Lisa asked me to host this challenge, I made up my mind really quickly, because it is something I like to make, very versatile, and which would be a bit challenging when managing different flours. But first, let me tell you a little story
My grandparents lived in a country house that my great-grandfather built a hundred years ago. It is in the northwest of Spain, right on top of Portugal, in the region called Galicia. Back in the 70s, the kitchen was the place of gathering, talking, reading and there was always something cooking on the iron stove, be it a pot of caldo (a hearty soup), or a stew or a cake in the oven. When I think back to those days, I can smell the sweetness of burnt wood or coal, the almost chocolate scent that rose up to your nostrils when you opened the door, the warmth of the air when coming in from a cool, windy and wet August morning
When I was six, I loved adding wood to the kitchen, and seeing how the wood disappeared into a yellow-white flare. I also liked emptying the cinders from the deposit, sometimes making a mess of it, of course. I remember filling a pot with water to put in the stove after the cooking was finished and the fire went down, that warm water was used for washing the dishes or for cleaning up.
In that kitchen I used to step on my great-grandmother ‘s toes when I wanted to give her a kiss, because I was a bit clumsy. There, my uncle Pepe taught me to fry eggs and potatoes. And that ‘s where I learned to make empanada from my grandma Carmen, God bless her.
Empanada is the kind of food that makes one go back to childhood. A bread-like dough that surrounds a vegetable frittata with anything you can imagine, from sardines to beef. Or filled with sugar, butter and fruit. Warm or cold, it was simple, pretty, and delicious. I hope you will find it so too!

Recipe Source: The basic recipe I’ll be using is the one that my grandma used. However, I ‘m also including two more recipes:

Basic empanada recipe from La Empanada Gallega (in Spanish), which is quite fail-safe:

Corn empanada dough recipe from the same on-line source

Note: As with all leavened doughs, rising times are approximate and depend on temperature. The warmer the temperature, the shorter the rise. You do not want to over-rise the dough or it will become too sour. But you don ‘t want the rise to be too short or you will not get a spongy bread.

Empanada is usually an appetizer or first course, but it is filling, so you could make for lunch or light dinner served with a side salad.

Mandatory Items: You must make an empanada using one of the given dough recipes. You have complete freedom for the filling, though I ‘m providing some ideas you can use or build from.

Variations allowed: Get creative! Use any shape, decoration or filling you want. I have never tried using other flours than wheat and corn, but if you have gluten allergies or intolerance you may try other flours that are used for gluten free bread. Adjust liquids accordingly.

Preparation time:
Making the dough: about 15 minutes (includes measuring the ingredients) + 50 minutes rise (will depend on ambient temperature)
Making the frittata: about 5-10 minutes for cutting the vegetables, 20 minutes for cooking + at least 30 min cooling time (I usually cut the vegetables and start frying them before mixing the dough, that way it has plenty of time to cool down while the dough rises ¡V bear in mind ambient temperature)
Getting the empanada together: about 15 minutes (time enough to warm the oven too)
Cooking the empanada: 40 - 50 minutes (may need more depending on filling, please read carefully).

Equipment required:
Big bowl
Small bowl
Wooden spoon
Your hands or
A stand mixer with dough hook
Rolling pin
Cookie sheet or oven tray
Pastry brush
Wax paper
Several sized bowls or plates (for the miss en place)
Pan or skillet
Wooden spoon

Empanada Gallega de bacalao con pasas
(my grandma’s empanada recipe with salted cod and raisins filling)
Servings: 10 - (makes a 40 cm x 30 cm square empanada or about a 35 cm diameter round empanada).
The filling may sound a bit strange at first, but that’s until you taste it J If you like salted cod, I’m pretty sure you will like it like this.
Dough Ingredients:
5-1/3 cups (1280 ml) (750 g) bread flour
 2 cups (480 ml) of lukewarm water about 85°F/30°C), approximately
1 satchel ( 1 tablespoon)( 15 g) dry yeast or 1oz/ 30 g fresh yeast
2 teaspoons (10 ml) (11 g) salt
4 tablespoons (60 ml) oil you can use from the pan where have cooked filling
1 large egg, for egg wash

Dough Directions:
1. Measure out all the ingredients.
2. Shift the flour into a big bowl and make a well in the middle. Rub the yeast in with your fingers.
3. In a small bowl, mix the water and the salt.
4. Now, using your fingers or a wooden spoon, start adding the water and mixing it with the flour-yeast mixture. Keep on working with your fingers or spoon until you have added enough water and all the flour has been incorporated and you have a messy ball of dough.
5. On a clean counter top, knead the dough for approximately 10 minutes
6. You could do all the above using a stand mixer, in that case mix the ingredients with the paddle attachment until mixed and then switch to a dough hook and knead on low for about 6 minutes.
7. Clean and oil the big bowl you used for mixing and place the kneaded dough in it. Cover it with a napkin or piece of linen and keep it in a warm, draught-free place for approximately 40 to 50 minutes.
8. Once risen, turn the dough back into a floured counter and cut it in half. Cover one half with the napkin to prevent drying.
9. Spread the other half of the dough using a rolling pin. You can use a piece of wax paper over the counter, it will make it easier to move the dough around. Depending on the shape of your oven pan or cookie sheet, you will make a rectangle or a round.
10. Now, the thinness of the dough will depend on your choice of filling and how much bread you like in every bite. For your first time, make it about 3mm thin (about 1/10th of an inch) and then adjust from that in the next ones you make.
Filling Ingredients
400 gm (14 oz) chopped onion approximately 1 big onion or 2 medium sized ones)
2 garlic cloves
3/4 cup (180 ml) Olive oil
300 gm (10. oz) salted cod, washed and cleaned you put it in fresh water 24 hours before, change the water four times
100 gm (3. oz) raisins
100 gm (3. oz) cured ham or bacon (not smoked)
A few strands of saffron

Filling Directions:
1. Finely chop the onion and garlic.
2. Heat the oil in a skillet and add the onion and garlic, fry over medium heat until the onion is transparent (you do not want the onion to brown at all).
3. When vegetables are cooked, turn off the heat. Add the saffron and the raisins. Cut cod and ham (or bacon) in less than bite sized pieces, and add. Stir everything together.
4. Add salt as needed (we do this at the end because the amount of salt will depend on how salty your fish remains after the unsalting and how salty your cured ham or bacon is).
5. Allow to cool for at least half an hour before filling the empanada.

Assembling the empanada:
1. If you haven’t used wax paper, either lightly flour or line with wax paper your pan or tray.
2. Cover the base and sides with the dough. Using the rolling pin or a knife, cut the extra dough.
3. Place the filling, making sure it is cold and that all the base is covered. Using a hot filling will make the bottom layer of the empanada become soggy. Be careful to avoid adding too much oil from the filling, try to make it as dry as possible.
4. Start preheating your oven to moderate 350°F/180°C/gas mark 4.
5. Take the other half of the dough and spread it out to the same or less thinness of the base. You can use a piece of wax paper for this too. Take into account that this “top” dough needs to be smaller around than the bottom, as it only needs to cover the filling.
6. If not using wax paper, move carefully the top to cover the filling. If using wax paper, transfer the dough, turn upside down, cover the filling and gently peel off the wax paper.
7. Using your fingers, join bottom and top dough, when you have gone all the way around, start pinching top and bottom together with your thumb and index finger and turning them half way in, that way you end up with a rope-like border. As a picture is worth a thousand words, please watch this video to see how it is done:
8. When you are finished, make a 1 inch hole in the middle of the top layer. This will help hot air exit the empanada while it’s baking without breaking the cover.
9. You can use left-over dough to decorate the empanada, using rounds, bows, lines…let your imagination flow and make it pretty!
10. Using a fork, prick the top layer or, using scissors, make snips that go all the way through the layers.
11. In a small bowl, beat an egg and add a tbsp of cold water. With the pastry brush, paint the top of the empanada with the egg wash.
12. Place the empanada in the oven and bake for about 45 minutes. Check that the bottom part is done.

Empanada Dough
(a recipe using wheat flour from “La Empanada Gallega
Servings: 6
3½. cups (500 g) all-purpose (plain) or bread flour
1 cup (240 ml) warm water
½ cup less 1 tablespoon (100 ml) of liquid fat (oil, margarine, lard)
1 satchel (1 tablespoon) (15 g ) dry yeast or (1oz) (30g) fresh yeast
1 teaspoon (5 ml) (6 g) salt
1 teaspoon (3 g) sweet paprika

1. Shift the flour into a bowl, make a well in the middle and add all the ingredients (you should break the fresh yeast as much as possible).
2. Mix with a wooden spoon until all the ingredients have been incorporated
3. Turn dough onto your counter and knead for 8 minutes
4. Make a ball and allow to rise covered with a cloth for about half an hour before using.
The rest of the steps are the same as with the first recipe.
You can also use in this case the stand mixer, reduce kneading time to 5 minutes.

Corn and Wheat Empanada Dough
(from “La Empanada Gallega”¨)
2 ¾ cups (14 oz) (400 g) corn flour not corn starch!)
¾ cup (3½ oz) 100 g) all-purpose (plain) flour
1 cup (250 ml) warm water
 2 teaspoons (10 g) (1/3 oz) active dry yeast or (4/5 oz) (25 g) fresh yeast
1 teaspoon (5 ml) (6 g) salt
 2/3 cup (150 g) lard, butter or margarine

1. Mix well flours in a large bowl. Make a well in the middle and add the water, the fat (softened) and the yeast (if using fresh, use your hands to break it up as much as possible)
2. Use a wooden spoon to mix the ingredients and then turn the dough onto the counter and start kneading until you have a soft dough that doesn’t stick to your hands.
3. Add more water or flour if needed.
4. Make a ball with the dough, cover it with a cloth and allow to rise for approximately 1 hour.
5. This dough is very difficult to spread, so you will probably have to use your hands and some patience.
6. Go for a very thin covering, if it is too thick it will take longer to cook and it will have some “chew”, making it unpleasant to eat.
7. Oil the pan or oven tray you will be using before spreading the dough on it.
8. Use wax paper or even foil to cover the surface where you will be spreading the dough.
9. Put the dough on top and powder freely with flour. Using the rolling pin, spread it as much as possible.
10. With the help of the paper or foil, transfer the dough to your pan or tray.
11. Fill the empanada
12. Now you can try spreading the other half of the dough the same way as the bottom part or try using your hands, taking pieces of dough, spreading them as thin as possible using your hands and then joining them to the rest of the cover using your fingers.
13. Using a fork, make lines in the top layer marking the portions. This will help you when serving the dough, as the top will break easily along this lines without making a mess.
This empanada dough goes very well with blue fish or seafood fillings.

Other possible fillings:
Tuna fish filling:
400 gm (14 oz) chopped onion (approximately 1 big or 2 medium sized ones)
200 gm (7 oz) tomatoes (peeled and seeded)
1 small red pepper
2 garlic cloves
¾ cup (180 ml) olive oil
1 can (6.5 - 7 oz / 180 g - 200 g) of tuna fish in oil, drained
1 hard-boiled egg
1 teaspoon sweet paprika (optional)

1. Heat the oil in a skillet
2. Fry the finely chopped onions, pepper and garlic until the vegetables are soft. Add then the tomatoes, chopped small, and cook until done.
3. Turn off heat and add the tuna fish and hard boiled egg, cut into less than bite sized pieces.
4. If adding the paprika, do so now and stir into the frittata.
5. Allow to cool for at least 30 minutes.

Ground (minced) meat filling:
400 g (14 oz) chopped onion approximately 1 big or 2 approximately 1 big or 2 medium sized ones
200 g (7 oz) tomatoes (peeled and seeded)
1 small green pepper
2 garlic cloves
¾ cup (180 ml) olive oil
300 grams (2/3 pound or 10.5 ounces) minced (ground) meat
1 teaspoon sweet paprika

1. Heat the oil in a skillet
2. Fry the finely chopped onions, pepper and garlic until the vegetables are soft. Add then the tomatoes, chopped small, and cook until done.
3. Add the meat and cook for about 5 minutes.
4. Add the paprika, and stir into the frittata.
5. Allow to cool for at least 30 minutes.
6. Fill the empanada and bake as indicated.

Ham and cheese filling:
10½. oz (300 g) ham
10½. oz (300 g) cheddar type cheese (any sandwich cheese will do)

1. This is the simplest of fillings. You only need to layer prettily the ingredients, starting and ending with ham, to keep the melted cheese inside.

Pork loin and red pepper filling:
10½ oz (300 g) pork loin one piece)
1 big red pepper (capsicum), cut into thin slices,
1 small onion, cut into thin slices
2 garlic cloves
1 tablespoon (15 ml) (6g)  paprika
½ tablespoon (3 ml) dried oregano
1. 24 hours in advance, marinate the pork loin: for this, mix the oregano, paprika and the garlic cloves (very finely chopped) with salt to taste. Rub this marinade all around the meat, put into a sealable plastic bag and keep in the fridge for 24 hours.
2. Take the meat out of the bag and cut into thin fillets (about 0,5mm)
3. Cover the bottom part of the empanada with the fillets.
4. Cover the fillets with the slices of onion and pepper. Sprinkle salt on top.
5. Cover the empanada and bake in a preheated oven to moderate 350°F/180°C/gas mark 4. As this empanada starts with all raw ingredients, it will take about 15 minutes longer to bake. Just check that the underside of the empanada is golden. If it is, it ‘s cooked. If it isn’t, put it in the oven again and check after 10 minutes.
Get creative!!
As you have seen, the basic filling is made with an onion and garlic frittata, adding either saffron (for white fish) or paprika (for blue fish or meat) and adding tomato and pepper if you feel like it . You can also make the empanada with raw ingredients, it will taste as good though cooking times increase. Once the outside of the empanada is cooked, whatever is inside will also be cooked! I’ve tried empanada with mussels, fresh sardines (gutted and boned), scallops, chicken, pork meat, ground meat, vegetarian (just put in there whatever you have in hand), eggs… the variations are endless!
Even sweet fillings can be made. Apples make a wonderful option, for instance, in those cases I would add some milk, cream, a little sugar or honey and even spices to the empanada dough and fill with sugar, cored and sliced apples, some raisins, some more sugar and to the oven!.
Play around with the recipe and make it your own .
I made this empanada for my brother in law David’s birthday in August. I’ve also made some other empanadas for taking to picnics, these I made with thicker layers of dough, and decorated them in a more country-like way.
Storage & Freezing Instructions/Tips: Empanadas are better eaten the day of baking, but will stay fresh for a day more if stored in a cool place (for instance, in a cold oven or in a cupboard) uncovered or covered with foil. You may use plastic wrap but the dough will become a little gummy. If the filling is fish or sea-food, and the weather is hot, you might stick the completely cooled left overs in the fridge, though the dough will become gummy. You can always re-heat it in a hot oven for about 5 minutes.
The Daring Kitchen and its members in no way suggest we are medical professionals and therefore are NOT responsible for any error in reporting of ¡§alternate baking/cooking¡¨. If you have issues with digesting gluten, then it is YOUR responsibility to research the ingredient before using it. If you have allergies, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure any ingredient in a recipe will not adversely affect you. If you are lactose intolerant, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure any ingredient in a recipe will not adversely affect you. If you are vegetarian or vegan, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure any ingredient in a recipe will not adversely affect you. The responsibility is YOURS regardless of what health issue you ‘re dealing with. Please consult your physician with any questions before using an ingredient you are not familiar with. Thank you! :)